Marketing Communications


Develop strategic marketing materials that inform and educate health care providers about Arthrex innovation and our commitment to advancing medicine and science.

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 Jobs

5 Questions with Associate Digital Content Specialist Karen Chylinski

Every photo, video, advertisement, logo and thousands of other Arthrex-related assets are housed in our Digital Asset Management (DAM) system. In this 5 Questions interview, DAM team member and Associate Digital Content Specialist Karen Chylinski explains how her attention to detail and commitment to continuous learning help make her a great fit for this hard-working team.

5 Questions with Associate Digital Content Specialist Karen Chylinski

Every photo, video, advertisement, logo and thousands of other Arthrex-related assets are housed in our Digital Asset Management (DAM) system. In this 5 Questions interview, DAM team member and Associate Digital Content Specialist Karen Chylinski explains how her attention to detail and commitment to continuous learning help make her a great fit for this hard-working team.

What does a typical day at Arthrex look like for you?

A typical day for me includes creating and updating taxonomy [classification or category] pages on, posting new assets [surgical technique guides, videos, product photos, etc.] to, working on digital maintenance/clean-up projects, and collaborating with various stakeholders, like Product Management, to create and manage content. I also handle urgent requests that involve the website and the DAM system. For example, if a change needs to be made to an asset or we need to remove one from the site quickly, I help with that. Essentially, I work on all things My goal is to make our products more accessible for surgeons, patients and agency representatives.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the collaboration aspect of my job! It’s super fun to work together on projects and meet new people at Arthrex. I also like the sense of urgency that comes with working on the website. I feel the significant impact of managing an asset request or update and I really love doing them. Whether it’s working on the What’s New campaign, which features a new product or procedure on and via email every day of the year, or creating collections of assets for the website’s homepage, we’re always making sure that the latest and greatest Arthrex information is available to the world and easy to find.

What has been a highlight during your time at Arthrex?

Going to the Taxonomy Boot Camp conference in Washington, D.C. with my coworker Diana Wydysh (senior digital content specialist) was an amazing experience. We learned so much about hierarchy, ontology, asset types and more. At the conference, I learned that ontology is a specification of conceptualization. It is the formal definition of a concept. Taxonomy is the practice and science of the classification of things or concepts, including the principles that underline such classification. This is how we organize all of our product teams’ web pages on On our procedure side, we have Diagnosis > Procedure > Surgical Technique and on our product side we have Product Group > Product Category > Product Family.

I also got to see how artificial intelligence might one day be integrated into the process. We are now incorporating various things we learned there into our current taxonomy, as well as planning future additions! It was a great way for me to dive into the world of taxonomy and digital asset librarians, as I have a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Management, so the conference was a whole new experience. I loved it.

What is the best advice you’ve received throughout your career?

So far, the best advice I’ve received is to always be positive and to ‘make it happen.’

‘Make it happen’ is definitely my current mantra. This has helped me keep an open mind and positive outlook when a new challenge comes my way! I am always looking to learn new things and view challenges as an opportunity to grow.

What do you do in your downtime?

I love to run, exercise and play with my German Shepherd, Stella. She definitely keeps me busy. I also like to travel, spend time with my family and read lots of books. I just finished It by Stephen King and my goal is to read Carrie and Pet Sematary this year. I love his writing!


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