Communication & Marketing NA

  • Communications & Marketing at Arthrex

    Our Communications and Marketing teams work closely together to develop strategies and execute campaigns and initiatives to inform and educate health care professionals, employees and communities about Arthrex innovation and our commitment to advancing medicine and science.  

    Communications includes internal and external corporate communications, the global employee intranet, social media, media relations, email marketing and other digital promotional initiatives, corporate engagement, health care and administrator relations, media production, photography and AV support.  

    Marketing includes creative services such as graphic design and medical visualization, advertising, software development, global language management, marketing content editing, meetings and events, and project management.  

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Showing 1 to 12 of 12 Jobs

    5 Questions with Inc.'s UX Designer Johnny Ansari 

    As a Senior User Experience (UX) Designer in the Marketing department, Johnny Ansari works with Arthrex Rep App users, like agency representatives and technology consultants, to make sure the program is user-friendly and fits their needs while also aligning with Arthrex’s business objectives. 

    Read Johnny’s Story

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